This year, the IEEE Global Internet Symposium took place in Phoenix, Arizona, on 18 April 2008.
The workshop followed a blind reviewing process, where the reviewers’ names were not known to the authors, but the authors’ names were visible to the reviewers.
There were 43 papers submitted to the workshop. The total number of accepted papers was 15, for an acceptance ratio of just under 35%. There were about 30 TPC members, so the review load was about five papers per member. Each paper received at least three reviews, with about half receiving four reviews. One reviewer for each paper was designated as the TPC reviewer and was responsible for initiating discussion between all reviewers and making a final recommendation to the TPC chairs.
The review process went very smoothly. The published papers received high to excellent scores from reviewers, or had strong potential to initiate discussion. The session topics included flow and link measurements, ISP issues, security, application and network measurements. The workshop was organized as a one-day event. The TPC chairs made the final selection after reading the TPC reviewer recommendations, the ensuing discussion and many of the reviews. There was a clear line between the accepted and rejected papers, so the selection was fairly straightforward.
Attendance of the workshop was good and remained strong throughout the event, with most attendees still in the room at the end of the day. One author was not able to attend due to visa issues.
[Report submitted by Christos Papadopoulos and Ahmed Helmy, Co-Chairs GI 2008, May 16, 2008]