Time: Tuesday November 28 08:00–09:30 AM, EDT

Venue: IEEE GC 2023

Room: Zoom Meeting Room

Attendees: Alessio Botta, Cyn Sikora, Daniel Macedo Batista, Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Jerzy Donzal, Kapal Dev, Paolo Bellvista, Prosper Chemouil, Rasheed Hussain, Richard Li, Sahar Hoteit, Ruidong Li, Ahmed Refaey, Luca Foschini, Roberto Rojas-Cessa


Paolo Bellavista opened the meeting and presented its agenda. 

  1. ITC introduction: Paolo described the IEEE, ComSoc, and ITC structure and the ITC officers and past officers.
  2. ITC Election Process is Open
  3. ITC meeting (May 9, 2023) minutes: approved
  4. Conference activities
    • Endorsed Conferences: DRCN 2023, NetSoft 2023, ITC35, BRAINS 2023, NOF 2023, ICIN 2023, ICIN 2024, TMA 2024
    • ICC 2023 and GLOBECOM 2023: For NGNI symposium in ICC 2023, Mubashir H. Rehmani is ITC representative and 73 papers have been selected from 187 submissions; for GLOBECOM 2023, Ahmed Refaey Hussein is the representative for the NGNI symposium and 56 papers have been selected from 150 paper submissions.
    • ICC 2024 and GLOBECOM 2024: For NGNI symposium in ICC 2024, Raffaele Bruno is the ITC representative, and the co-chairs are Roberto Rojas and Halima Elbiaze. For NGNI symposium in GLOBECOM 2024, ITC received six nominations and finally recommended three out of them, Yulei Wu, Kaiping Xue, and Raffaele Bruno.
    • ICC 2025 and GLOBECOM 2025: For ICC 2025, our nominations have been done and ITC recommended three members, Yulei Wu, Kapal Dev, Akram Hakiri. For GLOBECOM 2025, our nominations have been done and ITC recommended three members, Yulei Wu, Prasad Calyam, Richard Li.
    • Global Internet Symposium: 27th GI has been held in conjunction with INFOCOM 2023, and Paolo Bellavista and Kaiping Xue organized this event. Paolo Bellavista acts as GISC chair.
  1. Awards
    • ITC BPA 2023: Paper Title: From Defensive Registration to Subdomain Protection: Evaluation of Email Anti-Spoofing Schemes for High-Profile Domains
    • ITC Outstanding Service Award 2023: Xiaoming Fu, University of Goettingen, Germany “For Lasting Contributions to The Network Research Community”
    • ITC Early Career Award 2019: Zehui Xiong, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore “For Contributions in The Network Researches as The Early Part of Career”
  1. Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
    • Report from IIE SIG: Ruidong presented the activities of IIE SIG. Organization of conferences/workshops including IEEE HealthCom 2024, IEEE MetaCom 2024, ICNC 2024, ICCCN 2024 Track on Emerging Topics in Networking, INFOCOM 2024 Poster/Demo, INFOCOM 2024 ICCN workshop, and special issues of ACM DLT on Blockchain, Metaverse, Web 3.0, IEEE Network Series on Quantum Communications and Networking.
    • Report from SIG on Industrial Communication Network: Organization of conferences/workshops including IEEE Future Networks Forum Symposiums on Spectrum Management in Future Networks, ICCE 2024 Symposiums on Consumer Communications Networks and Connectivity (CCN), GLOBECOM 2023 Workshop on Network Management for 6G Communication Systems, GLOBECOM 2023 Workshop on Sustainable and Resilient Industrial Communication Networks, and special issues including IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology on Open Radio Access Networks, Computer Networks on Computing Continuum and Federated Learning for Smart Cities, Scientific Reports on Technologies for beyond 5G networking,  ITU Journal on Metaverse-Communication, Networking, and Computing, IEEE Communication Magazine on Industrial Communication Networks. Luca Foschini delivered a keynote at ICC’23 Workshop on BlockSecSDN, and Cedric Westphal gave a tutorial at IEEE NetSoft and IEEE/IFIP NOMS.
    • Report from SIG on Internet Security: The past activities include CSNET 2021, INFOCOM 2021 workshop on BigSecurity, 7th Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS 2021), IEEE TNSM SPECIAL ISSUE ON LATEST DEVELOPMENTS FOR SECURITY MANAGEMENT OF NETWORKS AND SERVICES, and BRAINS 2021.
    • Report from SIG on Network Measurement and Analytics: The activities in 2023 include IEEE/IFIP Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference, IEEE EURO S&P Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (8tWTMC).
  1. Standardization Activities
    • The standardization activities are introduced.
  1. IEEE ComSoc Student Competition
    • Ruidong reported the ComSoc student competition, goal, prizes and procedures. Also, the details about the selection process and the results have been provided.
    • We encourage ITC members to introduce the competition to their students to participate in the future.
  1. Other business
    • Paolo introduced the method to join ITC.