This year, the IEEE INFOCOM Global Internet Symposium took place in Barcelona, Spain, 28 & 29 April 2006.
The selection process of the technical program committee has been performed very smoothly. The TPC members did an excellent job in providing thorough high-quality reviews and comments, which ensured a very efficient selection process.
The selection process resulted in 22 accepted out of 66 submitted papers (acceptance rate 33%).
The resulting program was very pleasing in content and quality. It featured a distinct profile, grouped around the areas of measurements, peer-to-peer technology, routing and security. While taking place in Europe, the program has slightly more papers with author’s origin in the USA than in Europe. Two papers had part of the authors being based in the USA, another part being based in Asia.
Attendance of the workshop in General was good, with 47 registrations there were more than twice as many people registered for the workshop than presenters of a paper. Attendance at the second day of the workshop was significantly smaller than at the first day, probably also due to the fact that most people had attended Infocom before, making it a very long week to stay until Saturday noon. The concept of the Global Internet Symposium of limiting the paper length to relatively short papers, thereby encouraging the presentation of new ideas, proved to be a successful and complementary approach to the standard Infocom format.
[Report submitted by Georg Carle, Co-Chair GI 2006, 6/20/2006.]